How we conceive our window displays: the Excellent case study

jewelry displays

Our window displays are the most important jewelry displays that convey the brand identity. As a matter of fact, jewelry displays in a store window must not only enhance jewels, but also create a harmonious and consistent overall image.

Setting up a window display is no easy feat. One shouldn’t only pay attention to the harmony between the display stands and the jewels, but also consider the general look of the display. The display’s purpose is, after all, also driving sales and representing the perfect balance between all the jewels on display, while enhancing them all at the same time.

Jewelry window displays, the core of displays

A window display is an actual furnishing accessory of a jewelry store. Whether it be on the counter or placed directly in the store window, the style and design of a window display greatly affect the store itself.

As we have already discussed in our article about window displays for jewels, a window display is made of three elements: the base, the backdrop and several display stands that are selected according to the jewelry collection to be displayed.

Finding the perfect harmony between these elements, finding the right placement for all the display stands, choosing the colors, materials, lines and design require a careful analysis of both the brand and its identity and the store itself.

We at SDJ Packing think that in order to be efficient, a display stand must be customized. We have raised the bar of customization even higher with our new proposals, to be able to create fully tailormade display stands.

jewelry displays

A window display communicating your identity

The window display is the stage on which jewels unveil their splendor. Each collection has its own identity and it is up to the window displays to communicate it in the best possible way.

jewelry displays

Analyzing the logo

The logo is the essence of the brand and it takes up a very important place in the window display. It is usually placed on the backdrop and on the base, but it can also be featured on each jewelry display, upon customer’s request. The logo is, therefore, one of the stars of window displays and it usually has a graphic style with colors, lines and effects that are absolutely unique and strictly related to the brand identity.

We at SDJ Packing create customized window displays, using the logo as a starting point. That means that we conceive an immediately recognizable backdrop with customized and 3D textures, using the brand logo as our foundation.

Such a window display is truly unique: the customization level is at its highest and this amplifies the effect on viewers, thus helping to strengthen the brand identity in every aspect and communicate it, too.

Excellent, the perfect window display

For the brand Excellent Jewelry, we conceived a window display that was supposed to be the real “translation” of the logo, an adaption of its design and of all the logo’s elements.

First of all, we analyzed the logo in terms of graphics and style. Gold, sharp and clean geometrical lines with a minimal style – those were the main features we detected.

Then, we developed a project that could perfectly mirror these signature elements. The result is a backdrop with a customized Plexiglas (hard plastic) texture and exclusive shapes but a lightweight frame; this backdrop features lines and colors similar to those of the logo, thus enhancing it. As far as colors are concerned, we selected color hues between dove gray and taupe gray, which pair perfectly well with gold, and we picked the copper red color, which creates a nice contrast, to highlight the star of the collection, i.e., the most important jewel.

jewelry displays

An integrated image, conveying the brand’s values

Our window displays are conceived taking the brand’s logo as the starting point, but that’s not the only element we pay attention to.

jewelry displays

As previously said, window displays are actual furnishing elements that take up a specific place inside the jewelry store. For a window display to be effective and to captivate viewers, it is necessary to create a perfect balance with its surroundings, too.

Prior to designing our jewelry displays, we, therefore, deeply analyze the style of each store, its furbishing elements and general design, so as to create a fully coordinated window display. 

The end purpose is finding the right balance and harmony between the window displays and their surroundings. By doing so, the viewer is completely captivated by the jewel’s splendor.

How do stores differ?

Each store has, obviously, its own style, but the overall current trend is soft and rounded shapes, with contrasting materials and colors whose purpose is, as per usual, to highlight a particular piece of the collection.

Golden materials, metals and light sources are often used, as well as simple and linear lines. By doing so, a consistency is created with the store’s design, making the overall look pleasing and not too overcrowded.

jewelry displays
jewelry displays

Window displays are essential elements to promote a collection. However, we all know that putting elements and different display stands together isn’t enough to attract viewers.

One must carefully analyze different elements: the brand and its values, the logo and the jewelry store itself. Only by doing so can we truly captivate viewers and efficiently convey a message.